#ENGINE ATHLETE Training Day w Ella

If you've met Ella Mounter before you know she's dedicated, hard-working and can count on getting around her teammates. Read ahead, for her recap of our last #ENGINE Athlete Training Day.
Was this your first #ENGINE Athlete training day?
Going into the day, how were you feeling?
I was a little nervous as I didn’t know many people going but was also very excited.
What was your highlight of the day and why?
My highlight was the surf session because I don’t do surf life saving anymore it was really fun to do something I don’t usually do.
What are your top three takeaways from the day?
Recovery is very important, I learnt how to run under the waves and how to control your breathing to hold your breath for longer.
What practical skills will you take away from the day and into the rest of the season?
The breathe holding in the pool session will be very beneficial to my training and racing.
Which session was your favourite and why (swim, gym, guided meditation, beach session, recovery, etc)?
The recovery because it was good to learn about the different recovery methods.
What would you say to others who want to become an #ENGINE Athlete?
Keep persistent and stay focused on your sport and the accolades will come naturally.