Kurrawa Krews Brielle Cooper gives us an insight on how to balance training, racing and beating the best athletes in Surf Sports
It has been such a big season for you already, what has been your highlight so far?
This season has definitely been my biggest yet. I’ve had many exciting experiences over the past couple of months but the highlight of my season so far would have to be winning my first Nutrigrain Ironwomen race in Coolum. I had a huge support crew there including my whole family, the Kurrawa Krew and many people who have supported me over the last couple of years. It was a childhood dream come true and a special day I’ll forever remember.
What if anything have you changed in your weekly training routine to get such breakout results?
A big change at the beginning of the season was making the decision to move to Kurrawa Surf Club and train amongst some of the best athletes in our sport. I have also started to incorporate gym into my training program to help increase my strength and power.
You have done a lot of racing…How do you balance your training regime with such a heavy racing schedule?
With such a busy racing program, I try to ensure I’m always doing the little things right, such as nutrition, sleep, taper and recovery. These can all have a huge effect when we are constantly traveling, training and racing. I try not to get overwhelmed by our busy programs and ensure I’m always organised and prepared for each session and trust that the hard work is paying off.
What is your strength in Surf Sports and where do you see (if any) an area for improvement?
I believe my strength in surf sports is my swimming and body surfing. This is an aspect of our sport which I love. My weakness would have to be my ski paddling. This is something I am constantly trying to improve.
Away from Surf Sports – what are your passions?
My passions aside from surf sports are spending time with my family and friends, surfing and cooking.
Who is your favourite Kurrawa Crew training partner?
My favourite Kurrawa Krew training partner would definitely have to be my sister Lani.
Pic: @monkeymyers1