Joel Piper
How do you stay motivated and push yourself in training?
I keep myself motivated by working on the little extra's that not many people are willing to do and acknowledging all achievements, whether small or big.
Many athletes have pre-game rituals that help them get into the zone. What are some of your personal pre-game rituals or routines that you believe help you get in the zone before hitting the beach or pool?
I like to hit the pool in the morning of race day and do some activation at home before making my way down to the beach.
Are there any specific achievements or milestones that you are particularly proud of and that you feel have significantly impacted your journey as an athlete?
A big achievement for me that I will forever cherish is that I have won an Australian Board, Ski and Ironman Title.
What are your top 3 ENGINE products (either for racing or training)?
Iron Jammer 3, Weapons and Deck Parka Lite.